in private collection
"Seraphim" 150x100cm acrylic, aluminium, mixed media
Born 70x60cm acrylic on canvas, steel 2023
Angels egg 40x30cm wooden tablet, aluminium, graphics 2024
Holes, 30x30cm, acrylic on canvas, stailness steel, charcoal, oil pastel,
Stealth 60x40cm wooden tablet, aluminium, graphics 2024
Nostaligic landscape 42x30cm 2024 wooden tablet, aluminium, graphics
Block 42x30cm 2024

Young Moscow based artist. Was born in 1999. Graduated with a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from the Moscow Humanitarian University. Studied in the master's program "Practices of Contemporary Art: Contemporary Painting" at the workshop of one of the leading post-soviet artist- Vladimir Dubossarsky, at the at the HSE ART AND DESIGN SCHOOL (division of Higher School of Economics). Currently pursuing a master's degree in Contemporary Art "Technological Art" at The National University of Science and Technology. Also working as a teacher for game design.

In his practice, Krylov, using a health bar (an element of a video game interface that shows the amount of life points - hp), reflects on the finiteness of all phenomena, as well as the unknowable madness of life with all its manifestations, blending into a dense indistinguishability of opposites from each other.

Solo exhibitions:

2023 — “HEADS” — Nakovalnya, Moscow
2022 — “SILA” — Nakovalnya, Moscow

2022 — “Shh”. The exhibition of silent works — Experimental gallery WIP, Moscow
2021 — “A BIG TREE” — kvartira3, Moscow

Selected group exhibitions:
2024 - |catalog| art fair, Agency.ArtRu booth, Moscow
2023 — Parisian apartment — Nakovalnya, Moscow
2023 — Zamol — FABULA, Moscow
2023 — Waste of Time — Nakovalnya, Moscow
2022 — OPEN. vol1 — A-S-T-R-A, Moscow
2022 — Artel WIP — MUTABOR, Moscow

2022 — DREAMCAST — LazyMike, Moscow

2021 — ADVENT — Contemporary Art Festival - New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
2021 — Tribe Fest — Design factory Flacon, Moscow
2021 — OpenCall Exhibition — New Sincerity, Moscow

2021 — LowKey (Russian underground immersive exhibition) — DorDor Gallery, New York