Our world is changing. Distances between countries are already measured in milliseconds. Communities of people who are thousands kilometers from each other decide what is popular today and what will be outdated tomorrow. These people are young. These people are young not by the year they were born, but in their exposure to new ideas and in their readiness for this new world. These people are you and me. It is exactly ourselves who decide what we are interested in. It is exactly ourselves who decide what tomorrow will be about. It is exactly ourselves who decide what art is. And let art be unique for everyone and different for all.
“Agency. Art Ru” presents new project “Y4Y” – the young for the young that aims at setting new perspectives for the young artists and helping their works find their way to public. As a part of the project we introduce you to works of such artists as: Alexei Luka, Alexei Mikheev, Maxim Santalov, Natalia Serkova, Yaroslava Klepikova, organism VARENYE and some of its organs – YOKONAFTIKA, Anton Radayev, Kostya Chirkov and Lyusya Durasova. Besides the above, visitors are welcome to take part in different trainings, shows and master classes, which will be held every day throughout the exhibition.