This is a small-size exhibition project that functions in “pop-up” mode. Chief purpose of the project is to unite on one platform painters and activists from different countries with high-profiles in subcultural street and alternative art, who are experimenting and applying their skills in different visual disciplines, genres and formats. As a rule, all participants of the project are famous and successful in specific categories artists.
The project is tied to neither galleries nor exhibition sites, physically or ideologically, has no influence over or dependence on any trends in international street art and culture, emerges spontaneously and for a short period. “SYNTHESIS AND INTEGRATION” is an author project of curators of FACES&LACES artistic part, an interactive large-scale exhibition dedicated to relevant street style, subcultures and visual communications in Russia.
FACES&LACES organizers as well as the project itself originated from graffito- culture. Before the first exhibition of 2007, they have already had many years of experience in different formats – from street environment to collaboration projects with big athletic brands. Starting from 2008, FACES&LACES began, for the first time in Russia, to host shows of best-in-their-niche painters and activists, who stood at the origins of, and still play key roles in, subcultures. In 2012, FACES&LACES exhibition turned into an open-air one. Switch of the format has brought about the need to change format of the artistic, ideologically important part of the project, which envisages comfortable and correct exposition of invited painters. The organizers decided to come back to the chamber- and gallery-focused presentation of works, in fact, this exposition format not just pioneered FACES&LACES exhibition, but also played its role in careers of the organizers themselves.
Since 2008 till 2012 FACES&LACES has presented works of such painters as: ONE POINT (Prague), DELTA (Amsterdam), INTERESNI KAZKI (Kiev), ZEDZ (Amsterdam), SUPERBLAST (Berlin), CRAIG KR COSTELLO (New York), СREAM (Berlin), OLIVIER KOSTA-THEFAINE (Paris), USUGROW (Tokyo), SAMUEL FRANCOIS (Paris), SAT ONE (Munich), VIA GRAFIK (Wiesbaden), 123KLAN (Montreal), ZBIOK (Wroclaw), SHEPARD FAIRY (Los Angeles), CHAD EATON (California), NICOLAS MALINOWSKY (Paris) and many other.
Conception of the ongoing “SYNTHESIS AND INTEGRATION” project is that a single exhibition platform is shared by absolutely different and multidisciplinary painters, who work in dissimilar, often opposed to each other directions, and with all that, keep proper balance in all their activities. End product of such kind painters may accommodate in both streets and galleries, as well as within the framework of collaboration with brand, but, given that, preserve its sub-cultural backbone and stick to its ideology.
Artists are going to present their definition and comprehension of “SYNTHESIS AND INTEGRATION”, and they are not only the artists who are talented illustrators or designers, who present their works in galleries and have extensive experience in cooperating with brands, but also those who are already full-fledged “brands” in themselves, who have greatly influenced the industry of street culture, art and high fashion in their local environment.
Multiculturism, matching of “the unmatched”, personal experience and own concept of style are seen within single exposition, thus making this project unique and setting it apart from the other.
Majority of works are created exclusively for the “SYNTHESIS AND INTEGRATION” project. Many painters will be displayed in Moscow for the first time. Logotype of the project was developed by МODE2, a legendary painter, graphic artist and graffito pioneer.
- MODE2 (Лондон-Берлин) при поддержке Casio G-SHOCK /
- STASH (Нью-Йорк) при поддержке Reebok Classic
- KRINK (Нью-Йорк) /
- ASKE (Mосква) /
- EROSIE (Эйндховен) /
- ALEXEY LUKA (Mосква) /
- TAPS&MOSES (Германия) при поддержке Montana-Cans
- NOOTK (Москва) при поддержке Kixbox /
- AKIM (Берлин)
- DMITRY ILKO (Берлин)
- ERIK KLIEWE (Берлин)