Artists: Group “Utrish” (Anton Chumak, Denis Shevchuk, Alexei Dyakov)
“Utrish” Compnay consists of young painters from Moscow and Saint Petersburg. This alliance is a radical, ultrapatriotic wing of “New Aesthetics” movement. For sure, the authors are integrated into the texture of modern art, despite the category of “young painters”, they have already been nominated for “Kandinsky Award” and “Kuryokhin Award”, have taken part in Venetian biennale, have organized a series of personal exhibitions. But now they aim at breaking stereotypes of actual art, abandon critical component and switch to tradition, vivid and transforming, and consequently shaping the future.
The exhibition shall present main genres of modern art: installation, graphics and pictorial art. The chief event of the vernissage will be performance, during which one of the authors shall be buried underground “alive” for the purpose of his inner transformation through union with the core.
The authors do this burying underground not just metaphorically, but in the truest sense of the word as well. This is an appeal to natural energy that gives life and process sediments. Resorting to the origin that is nearly tabooed today becomes chief motive. Native soil of near-Black Sea heaths will turn for the authors into that sacred substance, which must create on its territory a new vector of force and justice. Earth can’t see, but can breathe, feel and be the origin of creation.