Andrei Khlobystin

Сусанинъ заразум. Смеш.тех. 90х60.
Красота урода. Смеш.тех. 150х100. 2013г.
Крокодила. Смеш.тех. 90х60. 2013г.
Медвежий угол. Смеш.тех. 90х60.
Официальное искусство. Смеш.тех. 140х100. 2013г.
Первый деловой журнал. Смеш.тех. 90х60.
Племенное искусствоведение. 90х60. 2012г.
Смеховая культура. Смеш.тех. 90х60.
А.Хлобыстин. Искусство и религия, 2010г.
Художественная воля. Смеш.тех. 2012г, 140х100.
Юродство и дизайн. Смеш.тех. 140х90.

29.01.1961 – Born in Leningrad in family of archaeologists.

1977 – Graduates from an artists school.

1978 – Enrols at Leningrad State University, as a student with the history faculty in the department of art history.

1983-86 – After graduation from University, works for Leningrad’s Central Exhibition Hall, Palaces of Peterhof, and the Hermitage. Leningrad’s Pedagogical Institute. Writes essays on art history, critical essays on contemporary art.

1985 Co-founder of the Club of Art Historians – first independent art critics organisation in Russia.

1986- Meets young unofficial artists. Works with them as a critic and an artist. Has participated in more ten 200 exhibitions in the Russia, Europe and America. Joins the Friends of Mayakovsky Club, New Artists and NCHe/VCHe groups, New Academy of Fine Arts.

1974-89 – Participated in archaeological expeditions at Moldavia, Uzbekistan, Siberia, islands of Arctic Ocean, etc.; illustrated many books on archaeology

From 1993 has published “Kunstwollen” (Khudozestvennaya Volya; at 1998 founded organisation with the same name), from 2004 “Genius” magazines and from 1998 “Susanin” newspaper on questions of contemporary art, culture and science (

1997 – began a program about culture on radio “Record”

2000-2007 – director of “Archive & Library of the Independent Art” at the Culture Center “Pushkiskaya-10”.

2002 – head of the chair “Art Strategies” in the Russian Christian Humanity Institute.

2004 – teaches art history at the “Independent Uneversity-2”

2004 – 2005 – teaches art history at the The State Hermitage Educational Centere

Editor of many books on contemporary art.

2011 г. – top custodian Contemporary Art Museum (Spb State University)


1989 – grant from Pollok-Krasner Foundation, New York

1993 – grant from Soros Foundation, St-Petersburg

1994 – with 10 artists from the Baltic countries participated in the Ars Fennica competition;

- grant from Soros Foundation, St-Petersburg

1996-97 – grant from Philip Morris Kunstforderung, International Atelierprogram Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

1998 – grant from Kultur Kontakt, Wien


1991 – At Home, The Clocktower Gallery, P.S.1 Museum, ICA, New York

1993 – Microbiology, Borey Gallery, St.Petersburg

1994 – Conservation, Gallery 21, St.Petersburg

1996 – L’Art (pas) pur L’Art, Le Faubourg, Strasbourg

1997 – Die Verborgene Kunst, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

- Archaeology of miracle – Kabinet, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

1998 – Narzissismus und Zen Dandyism, Christine Konig and Franziska Lettner Gallery, Wien

1999 – Occasional Connections, Navicula Artis Gallery, St-Petersburg

2000 – Tachanka. Cyber Famine Club. St.-Petersburg

2001 – Drawings. Gallery 103, St.-Petersbourg

2002 – The Borey Wind. Gallery Borey, St.-Petersburg

2003 – The Babylon Tower. Piter and Paul Forteres, St.-Petersburg

2004 – The Other Side of Picture. Archive & Library of the Independent Art, St.-Petersburg

2007 – Zen Dandyism – Gallery D-137, St.-Petersburg

2011 – Zarazum! (For mind!) – Central exhibition hall, Perm, Russia

2013- Susanin Zarazum! , AgencyArtRu gallery, Moscow


1988 – New Artists. Raab Gallery, Berlin

1990 – The First North-American Exhibition of the Majakovsky Friends Club, Paul Judelson Arts, NY

1991 – The idea of the individual body in the era of late totalitarism. Museo de Arte Moderna, Mexico

1993 – Exchange – 2, Shedhalle, Rote Fabrik, Zurich

1994 – Kunst – Heimat – Kunst, Steiricher Herbst, Kunstlerhaus Graz

- Self-Identification, Stadtgalerie, Kiel; Haus am Waldsee, Berlin; Russian Museum, St.-Petersburg

1995 – Layers, Fine Arts Gallery, University of Maryland, Baltimore

1996 – Metaphern des Entrucktseins, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe

1997 – Air-Fire, Open-air, Znamenka

1998 – New Acquisitions, Russian Museum, St.Petersburg

1999 – Mentale Landschaften, Helmhaus, Zurich

2000 – Neue Moscow, IFA Gallery, Berlin

- N.E.W.S., Gotland Art Museum, Pomeranian Princes Castle Szczecin, Riga State Museum

-Friedrich Nietzsche in der Kunst der Nachmoderne, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin

2001 – The Three heroes. Gelman Gallery, Moscow

- Art-Moscow. Central House of Artists, Moscow

2002 – Snowgirl. New art from Russia. Zacheta Galeria, Warszawa

- Les amouxs partagees. Centr d’arts plastiques de Venissieux. Lyon;

- My way to Timbuctu. IFA Gallery, Berlin

2003 – International Performans Festival, Brno

2004 – Watch out! The National Museum of Art. Oslo

2005 – Accomplices. Collective and Interactive Works in Russian Art of the 1960s-2000-s. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

2006 – Artists Against the State: Perestroika Revisited, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, NY

2007 – Art Moscow, Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow

- The Raw, the Coooked and the Packaged. Museo Kiasma, Helsinki

2010- Brush blow, State Russian Museum, Spb, Russia

«Glasnost: Soviet Non-Conformist Art from the 1980’s» – Royal Academy, London

2011- «New Academy. Saint-Petersburg» – Cultural fund “Ekaterina”, Moscow

«Passion Bild. Russian art aince 1970 year. Arina Covner collection» – Kunstmuseum Bern

2012- «Ten to the minus nine» – Galleria 3H+K, Pori (Finland)


The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg (Russia)

The central Museum of Communication of A.S.Popov (Russia)

Museum of Nonconformist Art (SPb, Russia)

State. Tretyakov gallery, (Moscow, Russia)

Culture Fund “Ekaterina” (Moscow, Russia)

Zimmerli Art Museum (USA)

Art ex East Fund (Switzerland)

Private collections of Russia, France, USA, Mexico, Germany, Austria, Norway, Finland, etc.